Tuesday, March 29, 2016

War Event

The War event is composed of two phases. When the War event starts, you will find access to it on the home page, in the same place where you find Event Raids / World Raids links. Tapping the banner will take you to the event page where you can summon, donate and check the personal / collective progress.

An example of the MOBILE War event page:

Phase 1 will last for 5 days (120 hours)
  • Each raid uses a separate resource; Energy, Stamina, or Honor.
  • The type of raids vary from War to War. The raids were 100 person with 4 magic slots, a 48 hour timer, a 12 hour cooldown, and no difficulty option.
  • These raids are separate from your normal raid summons, will not affect availability or cooldowns of other raids
  • Defeating them will earn you SP and an extra item you donate for the War funds, using the “Contribute” button in the menu. (shown above)
(NOTE: You must deposit these items. Having them in your inventory will NOT be counted).
  • NOTE: after the event timer ends you will be able to finish any active raids, however you will not be able to contribute any additional tokens. So make sure you don’t retain any items as they serve no other purpose.
As you contribute items you will see both your personal and the community totals increase. The goal is to contribute as many War Victory Tokens as possible while the event is up. When the time has expired you will receive rewards based on both your personal contributions as well as the efforts of the entire community.
The personal contribution tiers can be seen on the left side, while the community ones on the right.
If the community tier reaches the third stage (20B in this case) you will obtain all items prior to your own personal contribution.
The rules are the same as any other ER/WR, namely, you donate war items to reach the next tier. The higher your donation count, the better the personal contribution tier reward you obtain.
For example, if your personal tier is 400,000 and the community total is past 20B, you will receive 300 Stat Bags, 120 Potion Bags, 70 Chests, and 1 Relic (from your personal tier) and 32 golems, the legion and 2 Artefacts “skull crackers” (from the community tier)

Community effort

This will require you to work together as a group. This means the newer players may need time to hit the raids for fair damage. The power hitters will need to scale back so they don’t over hit. To make this extra clear I will provide some additional info so you can prepare accordingly.
Each raid will have 500,000,000,000 or 1,000,000,000,000 Health.
Since they are 100 person raids your target damage per event raid is 5B or 10B respectively.
You will receive War contribution items per event raid at a set rate. During the last war event, we obtained 1 Bone for every 1 million damage versus Demonic Skeleton(Stamina Raid) and Possessed Cadaver.(Energy Raid), 1 Bone for every 500,000 damage versus Damned Shade(Honor Raid). The max Red Demon Bones you can personally get on a single raid is 10,000; The SP loot however went past this to 25B (Tiers after 10B were 15B / 20B / 25B)
Since there are 100 people to a raid, the max community gain is 1,000,000 red demon bones per raid.
Current War Mentality :
Since there are only 100 people that can join the raid, the max community gain is 1,000,000 red demon bones per raid.
If you want to reach the max community tier, it will require everyone to work together. As easy as one shotting a single raid could be for some of you, it will also cost the community the additional red demon bones, so choose your actions carefully.
While this is right from an effective point of view, kindly Ignore that advice! The idea behind it is that it’s better to have 100 people get 10k bones each for a total of 1m donated bones, than having say 70 people getting 10k bones each for a total of 700k bones.
. The problem with that idea is that the raids had 1T Health, meaning that ALL 100 players had to hit exactly 10B. So, if any lower players hit the raid, and were not able to reach the 10b tier, the raid would be full and unfinished, even failing. As a result the first 2 days we had a lot of full raids with ~20% hp left.

Phase 2
Phase two will be the War “Boss Battle” and will be in the form of a world raid, but with a twist. The raid will be summoned on the next friday after the war event started. The world raid that is summoned will be affected by the amount of total community contributions of War tokens obtained in the following form.
  • Community tier 1  - 2 Day raid / 1 magic slots
  • Community tier 2 - 3 Day raid / 2 magic slots
  • Community tier 3  -  4 Day raid / 3 magic slots
  • Community tier 4  - 5 Day raid / 4 magic slots

Only 1 raid will be summoned at the community tier that is reached. If the contributions are 25,699,999,999 at the end of phase 1, we will have the tier 3 boss raid. Or, in our case, if the combined community effort only reaches 19B we will only get the tier 2 WR.
Each community tier achieved will add a damage tier to the World Raid and additional loot. Community loot combines the efforts of ALL platforms (Facebook, Kongregate, Armor Games, etc), leaderboards are platform specific.
During the last War event, we had the following Boss Loot: (the rest of the tiers are still unknown, as we only reached tier 2) :

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