Sunday, January 31, 2016


Achievement Points :

Achievements are part of a system to track in-game achievements and rewards players for reaching each level with increasing numbers of Achievements Points (AP) which can then be gambled or transferred to unique items.

The amount of AP given from achievements also varies depending on what achievement that was completed not only level.

Your current list of achievements and AP Shop can be found in your character’s profile pages.

Following Items can be obtained from the AP Packs :

Peasant’s Tribute
(100 achievement points)
Acv reward1
1x Loyalty of the People – (Crafting Item)
1x Adoration of the People – (Crafting Item)
1x-5x Colosseum Tickets – (number may vary more)
1x Death Touch – (Quest Boss Consumable) (number may vary)
1x Javelineer – (Troop) (35A, 20D, Human, Strength, Ranged)
2x Planet Coins
5x Planet Coins
Knight’s Reward
(500 achievement points)
Acv reward2
1x Ottosorden Knight – (Troop) (35A, 55D, Human, Strength, Tank)
1x Rhynhart Warhorse – (Mount) (210A, 150D, Increases crit chance)
1x Respect of the Knights – (Crafting Item)
1x Allegiance of the Knights – (Crafting Item)
1x The Red Prince’s Helm – (Helm) (95A, 95D, 95P; +10 Energy; PVP Bonus: +60 power, +10 deflect)
5x Planet Coins
Noble’s Gratitude
(2,500 achievement points)
Acv reward3
1x Patronage of the Nobles – (Crafting Item)
Lord Ruthven – (General) (95A, 150D at lvl 1, Undead, Intellect, tank; Chance to deal bonus damage and heal you)
1x Noblesse Oblige – (Ring) (80A, 80D, Chance on hit to recruit a Javelineer)
1x The Red Prince’s Gauntlets – (Gloves) (95A, 95D, 95P, +8 energy, PvP Bonus: +60 power, +10 deflect)
1x The Red Prince’s Sabatons – (Boots) (95A, 95D, 95P, +10 energy, PvP Bonus: +60 power, +10 deflect)
King’s Bounty
(10,000 achievement points)
Acv reward4
ALL items in this set are UNIQUE
1x The Red Prince’s Legplates – (Pants) (95A, 95D, 95P, Increases Attack and Defense by 5 for each piece of the Red Prince’s armor equipped; PvP Bonus: +60 power, +10 deflect)
1x The Red Prince’s Cuirass – (Chest) (95A, 95D, 95P, Increases Attack and Defense by 5 for each piece of the the Red Prince’s armor equipped; PvP Bonus: +75 power, +10 deflect)
1x Avenger of the Realm – (Main Hand) (200A, 80D, Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage if Defender of the Realm equipped; Extra damage for each piece of the Red Prince’s armor equipped; PvP Bonus: +75 power, +24 damage)
1x Defender of the Realm – (Off Hand) (80A, 200D, Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage if Avenger of the Realm equipped; Extra damage for each piece of the Red Prince’s armor equipped)
1x Henchmen – (Legion) (3 Generals: Intellect; 16 Troops: Strength; Power Bonus: 200)
150x Planet Coins

with 10 000 achievement points you can get Peasant’s Tribute 100 times.If you want to gamble with it, you will have to get planet coins, at least once in two-three tries.
Most players advise you save for King’s Bounty. Once you got all the UNIQUE items, you will only get planet coins. well worth it in the end. It is still up to you if you want to use 50,000 AP before you get your first Planet coin, and then keep getting them 100%,
or just gamble with Peasant’s Tribute

Red Prince Set
Currently every gambling bag you can open, contains two pieces of the Red Prince Set. Each piece increases legion damage by 5% (only once/piece). Remember that most items are going to need a lot of tries to obtain, as the bags are gambling between a lot of pieces. An exception is the King’s Bounty which can only give you the same piece once. The red prince set is important, as it allows you to access a unique questing zone, rewarding with Mina’s Wish. With them you can craft a “premium” troop, Mina 3, a legion boost and the Crimson Crusader Set.

Some Red Prince items can be obtained as a direct buy from the AP shop:
The Red Prince’s Helmet - 1k AP, also found in the Knight’s Reward (500 achievement points)
The Red Prince’s Gauntlet - 7.5k AP, also found in the Noble’s Gratitude (2,500 achievement points)
The Red Prince’s Sabatons - 7.5k AP, also found in the Noble’s Gratitude (2,500 achievement points)

Achievement raids
Currently in the AP shop, you’ll find an assortment of Achievement raids (and 1 magic). These raids will always drop 1 red special craft and 1 summoning stone, for the summoner only. These will allow you to craft certain items that are either unobtainable in any other way, or difficult to craft. Note: Sormships can be obtained without the use of AP shop, and will also reward summoning stones. These can be used to craft a couple of raids, and even the magic Levitate.

If you’re going to get the raids from the AP shop, compare the King’s bounty value to that of the raid itself. A king’s bounty costs 10k AP and rewards 150 pc, so a raid costing 9k AP will in fact cost you 135 PC. Taking the essence is 90% of the time not worth the effort and cost. Having a raid that you can only summon twice a week for 135 PC is not very effective).

Avi’s tracker:
Avi has created a sheet that she uses to keep track on achievement raid progress. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask about it.

Raid AP Tracking Sheet and direct link to her blog post ->  Avi’s post

Non-AP raids
While you get achievement points from mostly anything in the game (stats, raids, quests, campaigns, challenges, and so on) There are an assortment of raids that will reward you NO Achievement Points. You can recognize these raids by the E. in their name, and the NightmareQueen type. They were intended for higher level players, as the damage required for them is usually 30b+ (FS is usually between 30 to 60b). They only reward stat points, and no other items. Consider twice before hitting them, even if they require energy to hit. Aim for a Fear or a Jormungan. The reward return from hitting those raids with Energy is bigger.
Also hitting a Jormungan with Energy, only does 75% of your normal damage. Hitting any Elite raid (including Fear) does 50% of your normal damage.

AP Hunting
The easiest way to hunt for AP is to only do enough dmg for it. Usually AP is half of the fair share. Meaning you only do half the min damage you’re supposed to. Doing this may prove difficult at times, as most raids may fail if more people only do a little amount of dmg. The easiest way to hunt for Achievement Points, is to only hit raids that are way ahead, and for ½ of the Fair Share.( Total raid health / total number of allowed players)

Monday, January 25, 2016


Click the rune's name to see where to obtain it (Runes with question mark: No confirmed data available). Some categories don't have runes or they are bad. Use GP runes, they might be better...



Shend 5.4k

No Runes, Use
General Purpose Runes

Kerka, 5.4k

Rising Dawn Coins 2.5k - 8.5k

No Runes, Use
General Purpose Runes








No Runes, Use
General Purpose Rune

Xarz  5.4k
Magical Creature

Nightmare Queen




No Runes, Use
General Purpose Runes


Grash 5.4k


No Runes, Use
General Purpose Runes


  • If the specific rune is weaker than gp runes then it's not shown in this chart.
  • All runes don’t have data yet

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Adventure Guide

Adventures are outdated, and have been considered a waste of honor. There has been no change/update since they were released, so the project was pretty much scrapped. If you do decide to start them, read the guidelines below :

If you JOIN an adventure, then change your mind before picking an adventurer... you are STILL taking up a slot. choose your adventurer even if you realize you have 0 honor and cannot hit. This helps the team. This applies even if you created it with the map. By creating it, you have automatically claimed a slot.

Run and start an adventure with a full party (5 members). Remember to Equip your adventurer BEFORE JOINING IT. Equipment can be bought in the Bazaar or in the guild shop or Crafted in the Guild crafting tab. The crafted ones are specialized to a particular Class..
-Provisions are available in Bazaar for PCs, or in Guild Shop for Guild Tokens..
-Boons are only in Bazaar at this time.

When joining an existing adventure, check what classes have already entered, and try avoiding to pick one of them (or all are same class for AP). There is almost no use for two healers in a party. If you think you do not have the right class, it’s better to skip it this time around, and wait for the next one.
Use guild and adventure chat to discuss what adventures you need and what node should be the first (tiles explanations below).

If your team has not yet been filled with 5 members, avoid special mission tiles if you do not have to corresponding adventurer class. If you have 5 members, there’s nothing else to do, might as well bite the bullet. Ideally leave these for last, or as a last option if possible.

Your party's HEALTH BAR is made up of each adventurers total health added together. Pay attention to the "Party hp" because if it reach 0 the adventure will fail. Health bar does NOT regenerate over time.In order to HEAL you complete "RELIC" tiles (If a Cleric is in the party), or hit bosses after the cleric power "VINDICATE" has been applied. Additionally, the adventurers Health Stat increases as they level. So a 5th level knight will add more health to your party than a first level one.

RELIC" healing tiles heal a % of the TOTAL HEALTH bar capacity at the time it is completed. So if you wait until all 5 adventurers join, you will heal more than if the tile is completed with only a partial party.
Using Potions (Provisions) is another way to heal the adventure. You can only equip them before the start, and you can only use them before the end. If the total health reaches zero, you can not use them anymore, you have already failed.
It’s wise to focus on the one node / boss, to make sure you at least get some of the “loot”. Since the adventure usually has 3-4 nodes (bosses) focus on them one at a time. You have the chat available for managing situations.

The damage done to the boss is based only on the adventurer stats and the abilities buffed. FS is 800k on all the bosses (4m hp/5). You get the AP ONLY if you complete all nodes.
Use ONLY 20's during boss fights.  Lower numbers cause the same damage to the party but deal less to the boss.

After you’ve completed an adventure, you can not join another one with the same adventurer for 3 days. You can however continue with them, if you have more than 1 adventurer.

Tile nothing

This Tile has no special effects.
Tile trap

Party receives additional damage unless a Rogue is in the party.
Tile hidden cache
Hidden Cache

Chance to receive extra items if a Rogue is in the party.
Tile relic

Partially heals the party upon Tile completion if a Cleric is in the party
(15% of the party HP).
Tile skull

Ground Chance to miss while exploring this Tile unless a Cleric is in the party.
Tile rough terrain
Rough Terrain

Party receives more damage unless a Ranger is in the party.
Tile rangers supplies
Ranger's Supplies

Chance to receive extra items if a Ranger is in the party.
Tile choke point

Party receives less damage if a Knight is in the party.
Tile runes of binding
Runes of Binding

Chance to miss while exploring this tile unless a Mage is in the party.

The first one is the easiest and the last one is hardest
Honor / hit
FS on Tiles
Boss FS
Map location
Filth of the City
366 - 414
Crafting > Guild
Lady Cecile's Tomb
608 - 632
Crafting > Guild
1024 +/-
Crafting > Guild
The Emerald Upstart
1032 - 1036 +/-
Tuxargus and Nylatrix
A Walk in the Woods

Keron the Sky-Shaker

 Exp Return
Exp / hit
Exp / honor
AdExp / hit
AdExp / honor
Filth of the City
Lady Cecile's Tomb
The Emerald Upstart
A Walk in the Woods